Estrategias de negocios: Impacto de la migración a lo digital




Estrategia, Tecnologia, empresas, comercio-era digital


Today, the constant modernities made a revolution in the world of business, changing the ways of working, the volumes of production, quality of material, times, strategies, an infinity of actions that make large companies have a broad sales market being monitored even from other countries, referring to small businesses through digital strategies have managed to remain in a market where it is increasingly difficult to survive. However, these modernities bring disadvantages that in these times are reflected in jobs with greater demand for skills and abilities to solve the obstacles that these modernities bring with them, That is why the following work answers the research question: What has been the impact of the digital era on the economic activities of companies in the City of Tapachula, Chiapas? For this, it was used a descriptive transectional methodology. It was concluded that business people needs a new form to manage their businessess.


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How to Cite

Caba-De León, T., Ponce-Hernández, L., & López-Deleón, C. (2019). Estrategias de negocios: Impacto de la migración a lo digital. Vinculatégica EFAN, 5(2), 796–810.