Relación del e-Commerce con un Proceso de Cambio Organizacional en Empresas del Sector Comercio del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara




Comercio electrónico, Cambio organizacional, Globalización, Economia digital


This research analyzes the effect of the e-commerce in a process of organizational culture change. The ecommerce is a factor that greatly influences the processes of change in organizations. The objective of this research was to know what factors influence a process of organizational culture change in commercial organizations of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara (AMG). Another objective was to determine the effects of e-commerce in a process of organizational culture change in commercial organizations of the AMG. The results indicate that e-commerce is a factor of great importance; it favors the implementation of a process of organizational change; the results also reflect that globalization manifests itself more and more in the world, which indicates that it is a factor that influences a process of organizational culture change.


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How to Cite

Bellon-Álvarez, L. A., López-Cerpa, F. J., & Islas-Villanueva , M. I. (2019). Relación del e-Commerce con un Proceso de Cambio Organizacional en Empresas del Sector Comercio del Área Metropolitana de Guadalajara . Vinculategica Efan, 5(2), 820–830.