El impacto del CPTPP en México y los mercados asiáticos





comercio exterior, CPTPP, México, China


For Mexico, the entrance to the CPTPP means a commercial opening to the transpacific markets. In this research, we compare and analyze the benefits that Mexico and the other 11 countries had before the departure of the United States, as well as the benefits of the current CPTPP, and a possible Chinese addition to the agreement. Mexico and the countries of Latin America, even with the departure of the US, are the ones that benefit the most. While it is true that a dependency has been created with our neighbor country, the CPTPP changes the outlook for Mexico in a positive way with the access to new markets. The addition of China is very relevant because it has the potential to quadruple the expected profits, as well as to open access to 5 other markets.


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How to Cite

Jaramillo-Ramos, D., & Palomo, M. A. (2019). El impacto del CPTPP en México y los mercados asiáticos . Vinculatégica EFAN, 5(2), 895–904. https://doi.org/10.29105/vtga5.2-712