El efecto de la mejora continua en la productividad y calidad, de la empresa PSF
Calidad, Competitividad, Continua y ProductividadAbstract
Throughout history, methods and instruments have been developed to establish and improve the productivity and processes of companies. Continuous improvement rather than an approach or concept is a strategy, which constitutes a series of general action programs that allow processes and the company to be more productive and competitive. The present case study followed a hypothetical-deductive method, whose main objective is to describe the process of design, validation and reliability of a measurement instrument for the analysis of the production area in order to be able to propose a plan for continuous improvement to increase the productivity of the company Paper San Francisco (PSF), a Mexican company dedicated to the production of toilet paper, based on the analysis of the current situation of productivity in the company and the perception of employees about continuous improvement, measuring the results by means of the elaboration of the instrument obtaining the validation of the same one giving a result of high and satisfactory reliability with a process of pilotage of 50 employees o
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