Transferencia de tecnología universidad-industria y el sistema de innovación en México




Innovación, Economía, Industria, Universidades, Desarrollo


Through a systematic review of literature respecting the transfer of university-industry technology from the United States, Canada and Mexico, specifically the university patents linked to the economic development of these countries, the need arose for the innovation system in Mexico to be strengthened through the exploitation, production and dissemination of knowledge, essential requirements for the growth and development of both its academic community and the business sector. The review shows that the generation and transfer of knowledge to the commercial sphere, that is, from universities to companies, through licensing mechanisms, potentially contributed to generating income, as well as establishing relationships with external actors and improving growth and development in the region.


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How to Cite

Calderón-Altamirano, E., & Castro-Coria, E. (2019). Transferencia de tecnología universidad-industria y el sistema de innovación en México . Vinculategica Efan, 5(2), 1622–1631.