La satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo en una institución de educación pública


  • Ana Cristina Soria-Reséndez Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml
  • Norma Angélica Pedraza-Melo Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml
  • Idolina Bernal-González Autonomous University of Tamaulipas image/svg+xml



satisfacción laboral, personal administrativo, satisfacción con el puesto, satisfacción con el ambiente de trabajo


It is of great interest to study of intengible aspects such as job satisfaction for the design of strategies to retain human talent. The objective of this research was to analyze the perception that employees have about satisfaction in their work fiels. A questionnaire was applied to administrative workers who agreed to collaborate, with a final simple of 206 employees surveyed.Factorial analyses was applied to determine the underlying structure of the construct studied, determining two factors taht refer to satisfaction with the position and with work enviroment. The level of reliability of the questionnaiere showed a high and aceptable assessment, with a Cronbach’s Alpha higher ttan .70. The results have important implications for managers to assess factors when designing and implementing their personnel management practices, promoting greater satisfaction and therefore organizational commitment in their working base


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How to Cite

Soria-Reséndez, A. C., Pedraza-Melo, N. A., & Bernal-González, I. (2018). La satisfacción laboral del personal administrativo en una institución de educación pública. Vinculategica Efan, 4(2), 584–589.